Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 726

Chapter 726


Sabrina had thought about whether she should take Jennie with her or not.

After thinking it over, she decided to take Jennie with her.

It was a mere Lunch.

Considering that Decker and Zeke were aware of her being Connors daughter, rushing her approach towards Trevor could raise suspicions.

Besides, her only intention was to discuss work matters with Trevor.

She had to tread carefully.

Jennie glanced at her and remarked with a hurt expression, Whether or not you bring me doesnt bother me. But yesterday, you promised that you wouldnt reply, and now youre going to have Lunch with him. You lied to me. Its like you see me as a gullible child

Jennie, its not as you think Sabrina tried to clarify, struggling for words. I didnt lie to you. There was an unexpected situation

What unexpected situation? Jennie pouted and looked up at her.

Sabrina hesitated to reveal the real story.

What could she possibly say?

After a moments reflection, Sabrina confessed with a conflicted Look, Jennie, heres the real story. Im fond of him. I believed youd side with your uncle, so I kept my distance from him in your presence

Jennie stood there in astonishment, mouth wide open and her big eyes, staring at Sabrina with an expression of disbelief.

You have feelings for him? What of Uncle Tyrone? The young girls eyes welled up. les genuinely fond of you. Uncle Tyrone confessed he felt lost without you, vowing to reclaim your affection. If he fails, hes sworn off love forever. Would you consider giving him another shot?

Jennie, I understand your hopes for me to reconcile with your uncle, but the reality is different. Weve both moved on to other relationships. Our paths have taken different directions, and its just not possible

She felt the need to confess this in everyones presence, ensuring no one would suspect her.

Jennies eyes filled with tears, and she threw the marshmallow to the ground. Ive always hoped for you and Uncle Tyrone to be together.

Its not right for you to Like someone else

Sabrinas heart ached when she saw her tears.

She leaned down, wrapping Jennie in a comforting embrace. Softly, she whispered, Dont cry, Jennie. How about a treat? Some candy, perhaps?

Candy isnt what I want. I just want you!

